Brew Beer At Home? Live In Sweden? Join In!

Simples.... We are really excited to be part of this celebration of Swedens huge tradition of amazing home brewers. Teaming up with Omnipollo, the winner will fly over to the UK to brew with us. We have kept it simple - here are the rules Brew Great Beer - no style guidelines - Send 3 bottles (inc Recipe) to Omnipollo AB, Tjärhovsgatan 6, 116 21 Stockholm by Wednesday the 31st of July 2013. Clearly state who the brewer is & contact details, be above 20 & from Sweden. Beers to be judged by Henok, Karl, Ryan & Darron - and their decision is final. The winner will get to fly to the UK to brew with Ryan at our brewery. Awesome. If you are a homebrewer in the UK, and would like to see a UK rerun of this later in the year - let us know.