Colours of the Rainbow IPA Challenge

We love IPA's, and we love challenges, so mixing the two together we have some of the best breweries in the UK to knuckle it out over who can make the best IPA inspired by a colour of the rainbow. We asked Rowan at the Hope in Carshalton to help us out by drawing from a hat each brewer and a colour, now the task is for each of us to craft an IPA that is inspired by this colour.  It doesnt have to be that colour, in fact that would be just a bit dull, so it will be fascinating to see what all these creative guys will do, especially as its a competition to be judged by you the customer. At some point soon at a date and venue yet to be decided all our beers will be on tap for you to try.  Once the brewers have had their chance to explain their inspiration/story behind the beer you then get to vote as to who has the best beer & the most creative interpretation. As soon as we know the schedule we are working towards we will fix the date and let you all know, but in the meantime here is the list of brewers and their colour. Red : Siren Craft Brew Orange : Partizan - Sorry no logo in the picture just a dodgy photo of Andy on an Iphone Yellow : Buxton Brewery Green : Brodies Fabulous Beers Blue : Magic Rock Brewing Company Indigo : The Kernel Purple : Hawkshead dscn0130-copydscn0137-copydscn0138