Be In The Know - Newsletters Start Today

Newsletter PreviewWant to get the heads up on our next brewery party plus a very small-batch of Calypso that will be going online at 5.00pm today? One of the requests we get most often is to give more advance notice of new beers, special releases and events. All too often our small batch runs sell out before everyone gets to hear about them, and we appreciate that not everyone can keep track of our Facebook and Twitter feeds 24/7 (although personally we can’t imagine why!). So from now on we’re aiming to hit your inboxes at the start of every month with as much news as we can cram in. In this first edition for May, we’re talking new IPAs, four new collaborations, beers in barrels that will be with you soon, the new pilot system, loads of upcoming events including the next party at our brewery plus a special one-off brew of Calypso. If you’re not already subscribed but want to hear about all things Siren by email, sign up here:

Keep an eye on your inboxes on May 1st to find out more.