What Broken Dreams Are Made Of

On Tuesday 7th August, live at the Great British Beer Festival, it was announced that our very own Broken Dream was this year's Supreme Champion Beer of Britain.  It was quite a surprise for us. We've never quite understood what the systems are or how beers are judged - in fact - only once before have we even had a cask make it to the festival. We were informed that due to the win in the stout category in the Champion Winter Beer of Britain competition, we'd be included in the judging. But did we really stand a chance? Broken Dream is a 6.5% Breakfast Stout. It's loaded with coffee and lactose, uses speciality malts and is full of flavour. We love it on cask, but the vast majority is sold in force-carbonated keg and bottle. Throw in the fact that we're in the middle of a heat wave, and you can see why we certainly didn't have any speeches prepared (although Darron is now wishing he did!). All of this makes it all the more special to us.       It was always our intention right from the start to place it as a core range beer, one that we try to keep available all year round in all formats: cask, keg and bottle. That may not seem too radical now, but back in 2013, a 6.7% stout loaded with coffee, lactose and a very costly malt base wasn’t the easiest of sales! Over the years we have made a few minor recipe and process tweaks along the way and couldn’t be happier with how our flagship stout is tasting now. 2016 in some ways felt like a breakthrough year for the beer, we ended up selling more Broken Dream casks in August than we had in some of the Winter months of 2015.   Coffee versions: https://www.sirencraftbrew.com/broken-dream-bourbon-coffee/