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    Origin & Siren Craft Brew team up

    To make the most enticing, alluring and amazing flavours, we have to be absolutely on top of every ingredient and process that goes together in the art and science of brewing to hit the highest notes possible. ...

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    The Extra's - Our Launch news for the 9th

    As we are getting ready for our launch across all of  The Craft Beer Co venues on the 9th March, we asked the bar managers if they wanted to add their own little touch of flair to one of our beers. So...

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    Hot News Siren Launch at Craft Beer Co announced

    Block out the 9th march in your diary. We are extremely excited to be launching all four of our core beers in all Craft Beer Co locations on the same day. Sound Wave, Liquid Mistress, Broken Dream and...

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    Liquid Mistress Pancakes

    Shamelessly stealing a recipe from a great cooking with beer book and armed with a 250ml charge of still fermenting Liquid Mistress, I set about making a malty hoppy based pancake. The results were amazing,...

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    3 Brews In!

    After more than a year and a half in planning, lots of stress with planners, lease issues and countless other things, Siren finally kicked off our first brew on Thursday. As a big 10% barley wine it had...

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    Siren's First Guests

    Apart from the hordes of family, friends, inquisitive neighbours and suppliers we had our first visitors over the last few days. It was good to meet our local CAMRA branch who are very pleased to have...

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    Getting Closer to First Brew Day!

    After more than a year and a half in the planning, its really starting to shape up and look like a brewery.  And its been a very busy week. The first two of our Five fermenters are in place, with the...

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    Delivery of a BrewHouse

    Its taken 11 months from agreeing the basic commercials for our home in Finchampstead, but we are now there and starting to make progress. The drainage has been channeled, the concrete floor with falls...

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    To launch a new brewery in Berkshire

    Takes a lot of planning, effort and finding out about stuff you don't yet know.  This journey has taken longer than we would have liked, but we are getting there. In January 2013 we are 95% sure we will...

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