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    What's in store for February

    If you did Dryanuary, good on you, but we can now put all that behind us and get back to normal service. This month we've got some awesome releases to tell you about including a rebrew, a brand new...

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    Maiden '19 Blending Day


    Late January...

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    The Siren Barrel Store 2020

    How on earth does Carlsberg link to a Siren beer? Read on and find out!

    It’s fair to say that 2019 was a pretty busy year for Siren Craft Brew. Not only did we finish up the crowdfunding...

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    January Tap Yard Update

    As we hit the halfway point of January, who’s already given up on their resolutions? New Year is all about making changes, right? Well… here at the Siren Tap Yard we’re sticking to...

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    New Year, New Beer

    2020 is here and we’re super excited for another big year of beer. If you missed the graphic, check it out in our 2019 summary blog, but hopefully you all enjoyed what we put out last year. One...

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    A look back on 2019

    What a year 2019 has been, and we’re not even talking about the world outside the brewery - we won’t even go there. It’s been a big year of change for us, so we wanted to go look back...

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    Christmas Beers Beers Beers!

    Christmas Day is a day for family, friends, eating, comedy re-runs on TV and of course… good booze. We’d love to hear what’s in your fridge this Christmas so to give you some inspiration...

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    Christmas Opening Hours & Delivery

    This time of the year is all about squeezing in time to get those last bits of shopping in. We thought it would be handy to let you know when we're open and when your last days to get those panic orders...

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    The Christmas Shop is Open!

    Christmas is almost upon us! If you’re anything like us then not are you too busy to go shopping, but you also want to do your best to avoid the hustle and bustle of the busy Christmas high street...

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